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Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Constantinos Cartalis, Pavlos Kassomenos
Keramitsoglou, I., Cartalis, C., & Kassomenos, P. (2003). Decision support system for managing oil spill events. Environmental Management, 32(2), 290-298

The Mediterranean environment is exposed to various hazards, including oil spills, forest fires, and floods, making the development of a decision support system (DSS)for emergency

Keramitsoglou I., Asimakopoulos D., Captalis C., Petrakis M., Argiriou A., Sifakis N., Kassomenos P., Theophilopoulos N., Ntziou I., Herrero A.
Mediterranean Marine Science Vol. 4/2, 2003, 65-72

The primary objective of this work was the development of an operational system for early detection of oil-spills, monitoring of their evolution, and provision of