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Lagrangian Tag

C. Niang, A. M. Mancho, V. J. Garcia-Garrido, E. Mohino, B. Rodriguez-Fonseca, J. Curbelo
Scientific Reports 10: 12543 (2020)

The West African Monsoon (WAM) system is the main source of rainfall in the agriculturally based region of the Sahel. Understanding transport across the WAM

Jezabel Curbelo, Carlos R. Mechoso, Ana M. Mancho, Stephen Wiggins
Climate Dynamics (2019) 53:1277–1286

The present two-part paper provides a Lagrangian perspective of the final southern warming in 2002, during which the stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) experienced a unique

A. G. Ramos, V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins, J. Coca, S. Glenn, O. Schofield, J. Kohut, D. Aragon, J. Kerfoot, T. Haskins, T. Miles, C. Haldeman, N. Strandskov, B. Allsup, C. Jones & J. Shapiro
Scientific Reportsvolume 8, Article number: 4575 (2018)

Transoceanic Gliders are Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for which there is a developing and expanding range of applications in open-seas research, technology and underwater clean