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Svitlana Liubartseva¹, Ivan Federico², Giovanni Coppini², Rita Lecci²
¹CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Ocean Predictions and Applications, Bologna, Italy ( ²CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Ocean Predictions and Applications, Lecce, Italy

The Taranto Sea is a Mediterranean lagoon where alarming pressure is expected to further increase, due to industrialization, heavy ship traffic, and densely populated coasts.

A. G. Ramos, V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins, J. Coca, S. Glenn, O. Schofield, J. Kohut, D. Aragon, J. Kerfoot, T. Haskins, T. Miles, C. Haldeman, N. Strandskov, B. Allsup, C. Jones & J. Shapiro
Scientific Reportsvolume 8, Article number: 4575 (2018)

Transoceanic Gliders are Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for which there is a developing and expanding range of applications in open-seas research, technology and underwater clean