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Impressive project timeline

Serious oil spill accidents with environmental consequences continue to occur nowadays with a disturbing frequency, which highlights the importance of integrated marine pollution risk assessment and emergency management support service in ports and coastal areas proposed by IMPRESSIVE.


Third press release for IMPRESSIVE final conference

We are happy to announce that our third press release for the IMPRESSIVE final conference is out! The objective of this online conference organised by […]..Read more


Second press release for La Luz pilot test

We are happy to announce that our second press release for the pilot test in La Luz is out! This second press release presents the […]..Read more


Dynamical Systems Tools for Monitoring and Assessing Oil Spill Events

Ana María Mancho has delivered an oral presentation at the 2nd Online Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, 2021 hosted at Lisbon, Portugal  from the […]..Read more


Coastal Modeling and Validation with Remote Sensing Techniques

Ana María Mancho has delivered an oral presentation at the  Workshop on Image Processing techniques held at CSIC Headquarters during the 27th and 28th of […]..Read more


IMPRESSIVE’s full-scale pilot in Gran Canary Islands

We are very excited about the successful execution of the IMPRESSIVE full-scale pilot in La Luz in Gran Canary Islands. The purpose of the pilot […]..Read more