Partner entity description and relevance
WEGEMT is a not-for-profit European Association Marine related Universities. It was formed in 1978 with the aim of increasing the knowledge base, and updating and extending the skills and competence of practicing engineers and postgraduate students working at an advanced level in marine technology and related sciences. At present, the Associates are drawn from universities in Europe, including Scandinavia, the former Eastern Europe and the CIS. They have in common, a capability, expertise and experience to teach and carry out research in marine technology and related sciences and an active interest in collectively delivering initiatives that support marine industries and education.
WEGEMT activities include supporting, encouraging and participating in programmes of Research and Development (R&D), Education and Training (E&T), and Information Exchange and Dissemination.
WEGEMT is ideally suited to contribute to this project as a partner as it has proven experience of more than 15 years in successfully delivering actions that combine information collection, communication, dissemination, web-based data management and web design activities.
Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
Project title
WEGEMT had an active dissemination and exploitation role in the large EU funded project called FLAGSHIP. (European Framework for Safe, Efficient and Environmentally-friendly Ship Operations). The overall objective of FLAGSHIP was to improve the safety, environmental friendliness and competitiveness of European maritime transport. The project contributed to further enhancement of crew, passenger and vessel safety, to further increase in the capacity and reliability of freight services and to a reduction of negative impact from accidents.
Project title
WEGEMT had an active dissemination and exploitation role in the large EU funded project called FLAGSHIP (Design of Improved and Competitive Products Using an Integrated Decision Support System For Ship). The main objective of the IMPROVE project was to develop three new ship generations in an integrated multiple criteria decision making environment by using the advanced design synthesis and analysis techniques at the earliest stage of the design process, which innovatively considers structure, production, operational aspects, performance, and safety criteria on a concurrent basis. The product types focused on this project are new generations of LNG gas carriers and chemical tankers, and an innovative concept of a large Ro-Pax vessel.
Project title
WEGEMT had an leading management role, including dissemination and exploitation, in the large EU funded project called VISIONS. VISIONS Implemented an annual creative process for the definition and validation of visionary concept ideas for vessels and floating structures. Answering to professional market and society scenarios for the next 5-15 years, VISIONS developed a “Think Tank” for product ideas with medium to long term commercialization perspective covering 5 market oriented Business Areas: Maritime Tourism/Leisure, Short Sea Shipping, Inland Shipping, Deep Sea Shipping, Floating Infrastructures.
Key Personnel
Mr. George Smyrnakis
Secretary General of WEGEMT
Mr. George Smyrnakis (MEng, CEng, FRINA, MIMarEST) is currently appointed as the Secretary General of WEGEMT and will be WEGEMT’s leading person for this project. He is responsible for the management and coordination of all EU funded RTD projects that WEGEMT participates. He has a Marine Engineering Background with more than 15 years of industrial and academic experience and has previously worked as a researcher at the Engineering Design Centre at Newcastle University on collaborative engineering research projects with British Nuclear Fuels and the Ministry of Defence and as a project manager and coordinator in in several FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects carried out at Newcastle University and WEGEMT. He also contributed for many years as visiting lecturer in the Department of Marine Sciences and Technology at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne with duties that included developing continuous professional development courses for the industry as well as postgraduate and undergraduate curricula and teaching and examining various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has also been actively involved through a series of EU funded projects like EMSHIP, PROMARC, VISIONS, VISIONS OLYMPICS, TRA-VISIONS in several high level activities involving University education and the Marine industry.
Dr. Zoe Agiasophiti
WEGEMT Administrator
Dr. Zoe Agiasophiti (MA, MBA, PhD) is currently appointed as WEGEMT Administrator and is responsible in assisting the Secretariat in the management and coordination of several EU funded RTD projects. She has a PhD in psycholinguistics from Newcastle University and a business administration background of more than ten years in the educational sector. Since her employment she has been actively involved in several EU funded projects that WEGEMT coordinates or participates mostly related to skills education and training.
Relevant publications
39th WEGEMT Summer School on Optimistic – Optimization in Marine Design (ISBN 3-89820-514-2, 275 pages)
39th WEGEMT School Marine Science and Technology for Environmental Sustainability (ISBN 0 7017 0155 2, 409 pages)
32nd WEGEMT School on Marine Coatings (ISBN 1 900 453 118, 324 pages)