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Puertos del Estado

Avda. del Partenón, 10 - 28042 Madrid, Spain

Puertos del Estado

Partner entity description and relevance

Puertos del Estado is the Spanish Government Agency (dependent of the Ministry of Public Works), responsible for the coordination and efficiency control of the state-owned Spanish Port System (it includes 46 ports managed by 28 Port Authorities).

By means of the own-managed operational oceanographic system, the Physical Oceanography Division provide to the port system, the society and other stakeholding institutions with met-ocean data essential for reducing costs, increase efficiency and sustainability and ensuring safety in routine port operations. Puertos del Estado employs more than 143 multidisciplinary skilled people, with a turnover in 215 of roughly 34 million euros.

Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
  • Project title

    Forecast projects


    Puertos del Estado counts with a big expertise in obtaining, analysing and forecasting data of the ocean (including waves, winds, currents and salinity) achieved through an intensive participation in Spanish national and European research projects. Currently the institution is involved in the Iberian-Biscay-Irish Monitoring and Forecast Centre (IBI-MFC) of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMS) and is leading the IN-SITU TAC for the IBI Region.

    The institution counts with the forecasting systems Nivmar (Storm Surge forecast system for the Spanish Cost), the Wave Forecast System for Port Authorities, the MyOcean circulation forecast in the IBI area and the SAMPA circulation model at the straits of Gibraltar.

    Recently Puertos del Estado has been involved in the projects “MYOCEAN2” (Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service), “MEDESS-4MS” (Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety) and “MyWave” (A pan-European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services) among others.

Infrastructure and equipment

Puertos del Estado counts with the necessary infrastructure for analysing ocean data (measuring waves, winds, currents, salinity). It consists of a network of 25 oceanographic buoys, 39 tide gauges and 8 HFR systems.
As per the computing infrastructure, Puertos del Estado owns a super computer that provides forecasting services (waves, sea level, currents and water temperatures) and climatic sets.

Key Personnel
  • Dr. Enrique Alvarez Fanjul

    Head of Physical Oceanography Department

    (PhD in Physics, Alcalá de Henares University, 1998) is head of the Physical Oceanography Division at Puertos del Estado with an extensive experience in analysis and treatment of ocean data and modelling (>30 PRP, supervision of 2 PhD, > 12 research projects in the last 5 years, involved in many committees at national and international level) He is coordinator of the network of ocean buoys for measurement of waves (CS, STR,10%).

  • Dr. Marcos García Sotillo

    Head of the Physical Oceanography Technical Division

    (PhD in Physics, Complutense University, 2003) is head of the Physical Oceanography Technical Division. He is a founding member, and currently coordinator, of the CMEMS IBI Monitoring Forecasting Centre (IBI-MFC), a regional oceanographic forecasting service for the Atlantic Europe (IBI area -Iberian-Biscay-Ireland) with extensive experience in ocean modelling and operational oceanographic services at regional and coastal scales (involved in > 5 research projects in last 5 years, PRP > 30, supervision of 1 PhD) (STR, 5%)

Relevant publications

1. M. Grifoll, G. Jordà, M.G. Sotillo, L.Ferrer, M. Espino, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, E. Álvarez-Fanjul . Water circulation forecasting in Spanish harbours. Sci. Mar. 2012 76 45-61.
2. B. Pérez, R. Brouwer, J. Beckers, D. Paradis, C. Balseiro, K. Lyons, M. Cure, M.G. Sotillo, B. Hackett, M. Verlaan and E. Alvarez-Fanjul ENSURF: Multi-model sea level forecast. Implementation and validation results for the IBIROOS and Western Mediterranean regions Ocean Science 2012 8 211-222
3. Sánchez-Garrido J.C., J. García Lafuente, E. Álvaréz-Fanjul, M. García Sotillo, F.J de los Santos What does cause the collapse of the western Alboran Gyre? Results of an operational ocean model. Progress in Oceanography 2013 116 142-153
4. M.G. Sotillo, A. Amo-Baladrón, E. Padorno, E. Garcia-Ladona, A. Orfila, P. Rodríguez-Rubio, D. Conti, J.A. Jiménez Madrid, F.J. de los Santos, E. Alvarez Fanjul How is the surface Atlantic water inflow through the Gibraltar Strait forecasted? A lagrangian validation of operational oceanographic services in the Alboran Sea and the Western Mediterranean Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2016
5. Lorente P., Piedracoba S., Sotillo M.G., Aznar R., Amo-Balandron, A., Pascual, A., Soto-Navarro J., Alvarez-Fanjul E Characterizing the surface circulation in Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean) with HF radar and modeled current data. Journal of Marine Systems 163:61-79 2016
6. E. Capó, A. Orfila, J.M. Sayol, M. Juza, M.G. Sotillo, D. Conti, G. Simarro, B. Mourre, L. Gómez-Pujol, J. Tintoré Assessment of operational models in the Balearic Sea during a MEDESS-4MS experiment doi: doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.03.009 Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2016
7. Lorente P., Piedracoba S., Sotillo M.G., Aznar R., Amo-Balandron, A., Pascual, A., Soto-Navarro J., Alvarez-Fanjul, E.:, Ocean model skill assessment in the NW Mediterranean using multi-sensor data. doi: 10.1080/1755876X.2016.1215224 Journal of Operational Oceanography 2016