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21, Rue Montoyer B-1000, Bruxelles, Belgium

NEREUS - Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies

Partner entity description and relevance

NEREUS – Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies – is an initiative of currently 26 regions and 36 Associate Members located in 12 EU-Member States. Currently, 10 members of NEREUS are also Copernicus Relays and 9 others are Copernicus Academies. Moreover, following the promotion of the Call for Expression of Interest to be part of these networks, more NEREUS members submitted proposals which are in the process of being evaluated.
As Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies, NEREUS offers a dynamic platform to all EU Regions aiming at making a better use of space technologies for the delivery of efficient public policies. It serves as an advocate for regional concerns, voicing the regional dimension of European space policies and programs at a political level. Striving to be a key source of information on space matters, the network’s core mission is to increase the awareness and understanding of space solutions for all public users. Since 2007, NEREUS serves as a direct channel to regional users of space technologies, such as local authorities, SMEs, universities and research institutes and citizens. By showcasing regional user stories, NEREUS strives to demonstrate the added value of space uses as enabling tools to solve territorial management issues, with a beneficial impact on citizen’s daily lives.
NEREUS is actively involved in initiatives that expand across three main areas: (i) political dialogue; (ii) interregional collaborations; (iii) public outreach. To that end, NEREUS offers a dynamic framework to its stakeholders and partners in order to leverage on its multiplier potential for cross-border/cross-sectorial collaborations. Moreover, it facilitates the exchange of best practices and know-how across its vast network of public authorities, enabling the promotion of user-experiences and opportunities for the uptake of space technologies. Finally, NEREUS has a long standing proven track record of disseminating project results towards both European institutions and relevant user communities in regional territories.

Capabilities matching IMPRESSIVE tasks

  • In-depth understanding of the strategic and programmatic aspects of the Copernicus programme, seen in the perspective of EU regional policy and regional territorial strategies (smart specialization strategies, cohesion policy, innovation programmes, etc.) in different policy areas (agriculture, tourism, culture);
  • Extensive and consolidated cross-border and cross-sectorial network of relevant stakeholders in the Earth Observation sector, as well as in other fields related to space technologies and space application domains, in particular local and regional authorities and public users;
  • Extensive experience in identifying and promoting regional Copernicus uses, as well as a successful track record of publications and different formats of events on promoting the uptake of Copernicus and integrated applications among heterogeneous user communities, in particular non-specialists target groups;
  • Acknowledged voice of European regions in space matters, with in-depth experience in liaising with, representing and building exchanges amongst public users (representatives of regions, local and regional authorities) and regional stakeholders (clusters, SMEs) via the organization of high-level political debates, regional workshops, interregional working sessions, positions papers, etc. across policy-areas;
  • Consolidated database and infrastructure of over 5000 contacts at EU, national and regional level, integrated in a communication strategy including regular newsletters, newsflashes and social media (Twitter);
  • Professional expertise in outreach, communication and exploitation of projects’ results in the field of space technologies and applications.
Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
  • Project title

    Copernicus4Regions – The ever growing use of Copernicus across Europe’s


    24 months


    The aim of the collaboration with the European Commission and the European Space Agency is to look into the current uses of Copernicus by local and regional administrations. Following an open call for Copernicus user stories, aiming at collecting (at least) 100 articles from all Copernicus participating countries, a joint publication will be launched at a high-level event at the European Parliament. The event will be the opportunity to select outstanding user stories which will benefit from enhanced outreach actions such as videos, interregional working sessions, etc.

  • Project title

    As consortia member within the EC-funded Copernicus User Uptake Framework Contract 385/PP/2014/FC

    Project ID



    Contribution to the first specific contract: “Engaging with public authorities, the private sector and civil society for Copernicus User Uptake”
    NEREUS is part of the successful consortia selected by the European Commission to implement an EU-funded four-year-long framework contract aiming at improving Copernicus uptake in Europe (financial volume 9 Mio EUR). The first specific contract within the above mentioned Framework Contract comprised a thorough analysis of the Copernicus-deployment situation in Europe resulting in recommendations for setting up a comprehensive Copernicus-Uptake strategy for Europe. NEREUS contributed to this study through 12 of its Copernicus-partners and gave input and recommendations from a regional perspective. The outcome of this contract is a final report in which the regional level is featured in many respects, especially the chapter 3.2.2. Cross-regional initiatives (p.17ff). The final report is publicly available:
    Contribution to the fourth specific contract: “Copernicus for Local and Regional Authorities – Copernicus Training and Information Sessions”
    Within this specific contract NEREUS has been requested to develop a stand-alone module on “Copernicus for Local and Regional Authorities”. Included in the broad portfolio offered by the Copernicus Support Office to all Copernicus supporting countries, NEREUS is regularly invited to give presentations at the Information and Training sessions organized by the Commission on a monthly basis. So far the module has been presented in almost 7 MS. The module features user-experiences from local and regional authorities across Europe, and presents concrete examples of interregional collaborations as a way forward to participate better in Copernicus opportunities. It is divided in four sub-modules offering hands-on demonstrations on how to use Copernicus for issues often tackled by public authorities: how to use Copernicus to assess farmers’ eligibility to receive EU funds? To map green areas in urban contexts? To comply with the Maritime Strategy Framework Directive? To avoid urban heat waves? A presentation of Copernicus Training and Info-Session is available on:
    Copernicus for Local and Regional Authorities – Training videos and hands-on demonstrations
    Within the same specific contract, the European Commission produced video tutorials of the modules developed for the Copernicus Information and Training Sessions. NEREUS experts developed specific material for the video shooting, making the “Copernicus for Local and Regional Authorities” module. Keywords | Copernicus, Public Administrations, Europe, Green Areas, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Urban Heat Wave, Agriculture, Videos. The video is now available on the Copernicus YouTube channel:

  • Project title

    Improving Copernicus take-up among Local and Regional Authorities via dedicated thematic workshops

    Project ID

    NEREUS/ESA-Contract: 3-134034/13/I-BG


    24 months


    Sentinels for Regions – Analysis and Presentations: Together with the European Space Agency, NEREUS organized three thematic workshops in the Azores, Lombardy and Bavaria to look into the roadblocks of Copernicus Uptake among Local and Regional Authorities as well as ways to overcome them. The outcomes of these workshop discussions were thoroughly analyzed by an independent expert. This final overall analysis offers key takeaways which have been packaged and presented at the European Parliament by regional representatives. A summary brochure of the final analysis is available:

  • Project title

    The Growing Uses of Copernicus across European Regions” (Purchase order 5001006790)

    Project ID

    NEREUS-ESA, 2012


    24 months


    Together with the European Space Agency, NEREUS compiled a collection of 67 brief descriptive Copernicus user cases across European Regions. The publication is available:

  • Project title



    Building on NEREUS’ core objective to spread the use and understanding of space technologies across Europe, DORIS_net aimed at increasing the involvement of regional actors involved in the implementation of space based services. DORIS_Net established the first network of 7 “Regional Contact Offices” (RCOs), as part of a European GMES Downstream Service Platform, to support regional users and service providers. RCOs engaged more regional actors in a structural dialogue and intra/inter-regional co-operations in order to maximize the benefits from innovative GMES-services which can have significant impact on the economy, environment and the quality of life of the citizens. Each RCO served as a meeting/exchange point among local authorities, providers and potential users of GMES services and other stakeholders at regional, national and European level. Its mission was to increase the use of space technologies for the benefit of potential users and developers of innovative applications and to help creating business opportunities meeting regional needs. RCOs can in a way be considered as prototypes of the Copernicus Relays. The project reports, which includes a comprehensive taxonomy of administrative tasks related to Copernicus core services, can be used as training material for audiences such as decision-makers and policy-makers.

Key Personnel
  • Mrs. Roya Ayazi

    Secretary General of NEREUS

    Since 2009 Secretary General of NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) Roya heads its Brussels/Belgium based secretariat and is the main interface of the association at European level. Roya’s core responsibilities comprise advocacy towards the European institutions and the European Space Agency, positioning the network with respect to space policy developments, international networking, and collaborations as well as the overall coordination of the network activities such as EC/ESA-funded projects and key political events. In this context, she volunteered as a former member of the Horizon2020-Advisory Group and supported project activities of NEREUS’ members as member of different advisory councils of EU-funded projects (e.g. currently CoRdiNet; formerly EMMIA-Advisory Council; DORIS_NET Advisory Council). Being trained as a German lawyer, Roya held for more than 20 years positions in European Affairs and has work experience in public administration and associations of civil society represented in Brussels. During her 8 year experience with the Association of German Engineers (VDI) Roya gained an insight into European Research&Innovation Policy and Programs and familiarized with key technologies relevant for the space sector. NEREUS made Roya a space enthusiast and she joined Women in Aerospace (WIA) to share the fascination with other women and win new-comers for the sector. Contact Phone: 0032(0)2 734 76 49 E-mail:

  • Mrs. Margarita Chrysaki

    Communications/Project Officer of NEREUS

    Margarita is strongly passionate for space and communications and she successfully contributed to several project management programmes at the European Parliament as well as in the overall EU sphere. Through her work as a scientific journalist for Brussels-based magazines, she managed to build a global network of experts in the space sector. In her thesis (Master of Space Studies, KU Leuven) she developed a voluntary Code of Conduct for the space companies as well as start-ups which included a compliance mechanism — a strong governance tool to guarantee sustainability through their products and services. Contact Phone: 0032(0)2 230 57 75 E-mail:

Relevant publications
  • Production of Position Papers on specific themes, high on the political agenda :
    • Recommendations to add a regional dimension to the European Space Strategy (April 2016)
    • NEREUS Recommendations on the provision of GMES for the MFF 2014-2020 (2013)
    • NEREUS Recommendations on the key priorities of GMES from a regional perspective (2011)
    • Position Paper calling for the funding of Copernicus as an EU Programme within the EU Budget (2011)
  • The Growing Use of GMES across European Regions: a reference document in terms of Copernicus uses by local and regional authorities across Europe that has been broadly distributed by NEREUS and the European Space Agency. It targets an audience of non-specialists interested in understanding how Copernicus can serve different societal challenges, ranging from emergency management issues to those related to the agriculture sector or to air and water quality. (
  • Copernicus Briefs: the European Space Agency published a set of briefs aiming at presenting concrete applications of the European Earth Observation programme in different domains. NEREUS experts contributed to the task by providing case studies, peer review or proof reading (
  • How can Space make a Difference for the Agriculture Sector? Example of network activity which was realized without public funding by resources of the network partners. The NEREUS EO/Copernicus Working Group compiled an informative study illustrating via 26 concrete case studies how space technologies can provide effective solutions to the agriculture sector across European Regions. The publication is available here: