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National Observatory of Athens

Lofos Nymphon - Thissio, PO Box 20048 11810, Athens, Greece

National Observatory of Athens

Partner entity description and relevance

NOA, apart from being the oldest Greek Research Institution with a constant presence and activity in Science at international level as well as in the Greek society for 170 years (since 1842), is a Research Centre active in Space Sciences and their applications with remarkable achievements. NOA with its three Institutes (Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing IAASARS; Environmental Research and Sustainable Development IERSD; Geodynamics GI), its highly-skilled human resources and the important infrastructure obtained over the last two decades, plays an important role in international space science activities and has a leading role in the national efforts for presence in the European Space Sector.
NOA also constitutes a critical national link with the European Space Agency (ESA) and other relevant organizations and bodies within the European Union. IAASARS/NOA is one of the three NOA Institutes (formerly two institutes merged earlier in 2012) currently has a permanent staff of 30, plus 40 contracted scientists (mostly post-docs).

IAASARS/NOA has been actively involved in Space Sciences, Space applications and Earth Observation with remarkable achievements in leading research, and operational activities in the context of EU flagship programs/initiatives namely COPERNICUS, GALILEO, GEO, and GEOSS. The Institute has an important human capacity with high skills in the relevant sciences. It owns significant space-based monitoring infrastructures and acquisition facilities (e.g. X-/L-band stations, MSG-SEVIRI, ESA’s CGS – Mirror Site acquisition facilities), and in-situ networks for the monitoring of the Earth’s environment, attributing to its leading role in Space and Earth Observation domains at national and international level. Taking advantage of the existing EO receiving infrastructures, and the secured access to space agencies as ESA, NASA, DLR, CSA, JAXA, as well as the use of ground-based infrastructure and advanced models, the Institute provides near real-time observations and services to operational program frameworks of EC, ESA and to authorities and entities at National and European level (e.g. Ministries, Civil Protection Authorities, municipalities, Regional Services, Environmental Organizations).
In addition, the Institute has strong outreach activities through the NOA’s Visitor Centre, and existing communications channels (e.g. Newsletters, presence in social media etc).

Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
  • Project title

    Building a Centre of Excellence for Earth Observation based monitoring of Natural Disasters



    Project ID





    “Building a Centre of Excellence for Earth Observation based monitoring of Natural Disasters” is a Centre based at IAASARS/NOA and has several modules related to this project.
    BEYOND has purchased and updated the infrastructure necessary for the provision of satellite images.
    Total Budget: 2 305 650 €, Duration: 2013-2016, FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1

  • Project title



    PROTEAS is IAASARS/NOA project within Greek General Secretary for Research and Technology KRIPIS action, funded by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union under the O.P. Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, NSRF 2007-2013 and the Regional Operational Program of Attica.
    PROTEAS finishes in 2015 and has supported the antenna infrastructure for the real time acquisition and processing of satellite data.

  • Project title



    PROMED/ Integrated Information System for Monitoring Emergencies of High Probability of Occurrence in the Mediterranean LIFE99 ENV/GR/000592 (1999-2001)

Infrastructure and equipment

On October 25th, 2016 the new version of HNSDMS (which comprises the 2nd generation of the system) was released and officially announced on November 18th, 2016 providing the full functionalities of Copernicus Collaborative Nodes to its users.
Nowadays HNSDMS is fully compatible with the Copernicus Collaborative Nodes since it is based on the the DHuS software[1] developed by a Serco and GAEL Systems consortium under a contract with the European Space Agency – Funded by the EU and ESA.
It is running on a high performance VM owned by GRNET/GEANT with the following characteristics:
● 10 Gbit/s NIC to connect with the Copernicus Collaborative Nodes
● Debian Jessie 8.5, 64bit OS
● 16 CPU cores
● 16 GB RAM
● 44 TB disk
● Static, dedicated IPV4 & IPV6 addresses

For the synchronization of the Sentinel products, HNSDMS uses the OData Synchronizers tool provided by the DHuS software which utilizes the HTTPS protocol and the Restful APIs built upon it (in particular the OData protocol[2]), in order to allow the replication of the products (i.e. copy of both data and metadata in the VM’s disk) from the Copernicus Collaborative Nodes (Node 1[3] & Node 2[4]) that are dedicated to this purpose.
[3] Copernicus Collaborative Node 1 (Sentinel-1) with Web address: provides discovery and access to Sentinel-1_NRT and Sentinel-1_NTC products.
[4] Copernicus Collaborative Node 2 with Web address provides discovery and access to Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1_NRT products.

Key Personnel
  • Dr. Iphigenia Keramitsoglou

    Senior Researcher

    Senior Researcher in NOA/IAASARS. She holds a Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London (1999). IK has extensive experience in the organization and management of research and technological development programs, as shown by her participation in 32 research programs. She is Project Coordinator, Associate Project Manager and PI for NOA in European projects of several frameworks. IK has 44 original peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals and numerous papers in conference peer-reviewed proceedings and 5 book chapters. Her work has been internationally recognized by the scientific community. She is co-Leader of the international initiative Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Global Urban Observation and Information (GI-17, ex SB-04) task. She is active collaborator of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Earth Science Office. In this project she will be the PI for IAASARS/NOA and leader of WP2.

  • Prof. Chris T. Kiranoudis

    Adjunct Researcher

    Adjunct Researcher of IAASARS/NOA (since 2014) and Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. Author and co-author of more than 150 International Scientific Journal Publications, 60 National and International Conference presentations and active participation in 15 EU and over 40 National Scientific projects in the fields of Computational System Analysis, Optimization and Control for the Chemical Process Industry and various Energy and Environmental Systems. Recent work includes papers related to extraction of patterns from satellite images and classification of oil spills on SAR imagery using fuzzy logic.

Relevant publications

C. Kontoes, K. Tsinganos, X. Tsilimparis. (2014), Greece’s Collaborative Ground Segment Initiatives-The Greek Mirror Site for receiving Sentinels’ Missions Data, Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segment Workshop 2014, ESA ESRIN-Frascati (Italy); 12/2014.

Keramitsoglou I., C. Cartalis and C.T. Kiranoudis, Automatic Identification of Oil Spills on Satellite Images, Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 640-652, 2006 (this paper has received 116 citations according to Google Scholar; 72 according to Scopus).

Keramitsoglou I., C. Cartalis and P. Kassomenos, Decision Support System for monitoring oil spill events, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 290-298, 2003

Keramitsoglou I., Asimakopoulos D. N., Cartalis C., Petrakis M., Argiriou A., Sifakis N., Kassomenos P., Theophilopoulos N. , Ntziou I. and Herrero A. M., An Operational System For Monitoring Oil Spills In The Mediterranean Sea: The “PROMED” System, Mediterranean Marine Science, Vol. 4/2, pp 65-72, 2003, Impact factor 1.574