Partner entity description and relevance
elittoral is a marine consultancy company which aims to characterize, assess and control the coast, to simulate the processes that are developed in it and to improve the management of coastal areas.
The company meets the growing demand current studies related to coastal targets. This, coupled with the quality of their services, contributed to its strengthening in Spain, but to its internationalization too. During the last years elittoral has exported its services to other countries and regions, principally areas of the African continent such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Mauritania, Cape Verde, Morocco, Algeria,
As an environmental consultancy company specialized in the marine environment, elittoral focuses on the marine environment, which is the primary theme of its business activity. The company makes available its knowledge of agents and processes that act on the coastal area and that determine, not only a change in the environment but also its evolution over time. The experience built up in the development of professional activity allows a decision, with proper technical criteria, of how to act based on existing problems, putting a special emphasis on planning, design, assessment and validation of the results.
The services offered by the company include the acquisition of data samples from the marine environment (water, sediment and organisms), their later interpretation in the laboratory and the simulation of processes present on the coast.
Environmental monitoring
- Water quality studies
- Bionomic studies
- Sedimentological studies
- Topographic and bathymetric studies
- Environmental impact studies
Coastal Engineering
- Waves and coastal current studies
- Studies of evolution of beaches and coastline or studies of regeneration of beaches
Coastal management
- Integrated management of the coastal zone
- Management plans of Marines Protected Areas
- Environmental management and certification of beaches
Management of R&D projects in marine environment
Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
Project title
Remote sensing applied to the monitoring of the sanitary quality of bathing water
Project ID
36 Months (running)
The project “Remote sensing applied to the monitoring of the sanitary quality of bathing water” with the acronym “T-SEA” has as main objective, the development of a system for the screening and control of pollution in coastal waters, thus allowing a Early warning system to reduce human population risk in bathing areas.
The T-SEA service will be composed of a set of related systems; satellite imagery, drones and buoys, in which the client, through a web platform, will control in its area of interest the quality of the coastal waters in Relation to the presence of pathogens.
The generation of maps of probability of contamination from sensors will be automated, and therefore, the programming of the Missions of the drones flights to control the coastal zones, thus optimizing the resources to be used in sanitary control of the bathing areas. -
Project title
Control technologies and monitoring of autonomous marine vehicles
Project ID
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness from Spain.
24 Months, since September 2014
The trajectories of developed vehicles are shown on maps based in remote sensing products. The user can select from different options such as MODIS chlorophyll concentration, surface temperature, winds and multiplatform bathymetry. In this way the user can always compare the “in situ” data taken by the vehicle sensor and the product provided by the satellites.
Project title
Análisis de Recursos Terrestre y Marinos mediante el procesado de Imágenes de Satélites de alta resolución
Project ID
Spanish Government Research Program, CGL2013-46674-R
24 Months, since January 2014
Analysis of Terrestrial and Marine Resources by Processing High Resolution Satellite Images. Water quality products in coastal areas to estimate turbidity, chlorophyll concentration and colored organic matter. Coastal bathymetry. Cartography of species for the detection of forest and shrub species, both endemic and invasive. Carrying out studies of the state of conservation in natural protected areas.
Project title
Ecosystems and biodiversity: monitoring of protected sandy spaces of Africa and Canaries
Project ID
European Commission, MAC 2007-2013
9 Months (closed successfully)
elittoral, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, GOB (research group in biological oceanography), GGFYMA (research group in physical geography and environment) and the University of Cape Verde. The main objective of the project is to develop a software application that allows assessing the environmental quality and monitoring the protected natural sandy spaces through high-resolution remote sensing. The application developed is based on a combination of several environmental indicators (marine and terrestrial) that are capable of detecting by remote sensing. This way we collect several satellite images from which we apply the developed algorithm. The algorithms are calibrated through the data collection in situ of the analyzed parameters. This application was developed as pilot service for the dune system in Maspalomas, (Gran Canaria, Spain) and for the dune system of Chave (Boavista, Cape Verde)
Project title
Remote detection of marine parameters from satellite imagery
Project ID
Funded: ULPGC 2015
1 Month (closed successfully)
In situ sampling for the calibration of different marine parameters detected by satellite in the coastal waters of southern Gran Canaria. Data collection of chlorophyll, turbidity and depth with a multiparameter probe and collection of water samples for the determination of CDOM in the laboratory. With the results obtained it was possible the calibration of the satellite images for the detection and evaluation of different marine parameters
Project title
Water quality control through a Systematic Monitoring Plan in the Port of Las Palmas and the port of Puerto de Arinaga, based on the 5.1 ROM and Environmental Impact Statements for the expansion works.
Project ID
Funded: Port Authority of Las Palmas of Gran Canary
48 Months (closed successfully)
The project began with activities in ROM 5.1, associated to port water quality in coastline surroundings. With numerical models we calculate the rate of their renewal port waters and analyze the pressures and impacts. Then we carry out the monitoring of water quality with the methodology in ROM 5.1 (based at the same time in the Water Framework Directive). This monitoring consists in the data collection in situ and collection of water samples and sediments from the port for an analysis. Once we have the control parameters, we settle the quality condition of body of water in port areas.
Project title
Development of an application for intelligent control of the quality of coastal waters
Project ID
Funded: Ministry of Science and Innovation
12 Months (closed successfully)
The main objective of the project is the automation of the control of the coastal water quality through the parameters set for this in the current legislation. The goal is the development of a computer application (or platform) that allows the interpretation of the quality of the water through evaluation parameters previously set and weighted. In addition to contribute effectively the systematization of the process, with the implementation of this tool will help to ensure compliance with the law in force, at the same time will encourage the protection of the environment, to help you achieve a good or very good water.
Infrastructure and equipment
Hyperspectral sensor on a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle):
The hyperspectral sensor with additional elements is lightweight, no more than 3 kg. It is mounted in the DJI MATRICE 600 drone platform. This is a professional hexacopter weighing about 9.6 kg with a maximum takeoff weight of about 15.1 kg. It can easily carry equipment such as gimbal systems and a set of cameras and sensors equipment, carrying also a 5700 mAh battery that provides a flight time up to 35 minutes and 5 km in straight line reach.
The hyperspectral camera mounted in the drone platform using a DJI Gimbal Ronin MX as stabilizing device that keeps sensor focus to nadir during the whole flight. In the following table the specifications of the available sensor system from partner Elittoral is shown.
Hyperspectral Sensor System
Type: Sweep
Sensor: Pika L Hyperspectral Imaging Camera (400-1000 nm)
Additional components: Lents – VNIR 17 mm, System Control Computer, Downwelling Irradiance Sensor
Software: Radiometric Calibration software, Georectification Software, System Control Software
GPS-IMU: SBG Ellipse-D, 0,18 kg
Other Batteries: Pika L Gimbal Caddy Batteries, Power Supply Board
Flight mission setting and hyperspectral sensor data specific software:
- Flight Calculator software: Used to obtain flight mission and hyperspectral sensor configuration specific parameters
- Ground Station software: Set the mission area, calibrate sensor IMU and configure hyperspectral sensor for the flight.
- SpectrononPro software: Used to the first treatment of the hyperspectral cube downloaded from the sensor computer made in two main steps:
- The radiometric calibration to obtain the cube in radiances and reflectances.
- Georectification process to map cube images to a specific spatial projection and spatial resolution.
Resources to work in the marine environment: in the case it could be necessary, we have different resources to develop office and field work:
Equipment for data and samples collection in the marine environment (water, sediment and organisms) as, for example, scientific material to determine in situ oceanographic and physics parameters of oceans (Multiparametric Sonda Ocean Seven Hidronaut modèle 5316), morphological features (echo sound for bathymetry, side scan sonar, subottom profiler) and two different boats to develop research work at the ocean.
To simulate oceanic and coastal processes: elittoral also has the necessary computer programs to simulate the behavior of the marine environment in different situations, for the treatment and analysis of data and their spatial representation. Among these programs we should point out:
- Modelling and simulation: SMC, MIKE 3, CAROL, VISUAL PLUMES. These softwares are so important to simulate different different processes at sea and coastal areas.
- Treatment and analysis of data: MATLAB R2010a, SURFER.
- Treatment of spatial data (SIG): ArcGIS 10, AutoCAD MAP 3D 2011, Envi-2015.
Key Personnel
Óscar Bergasa Lopez
Director of elittoral
Degree in Marine Science and Degree in Chemistry Engineering at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Master of Port and Coastal Engineering in CEPyC (CEDEX). Research assistant at the Laboratoire d'Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (LODYC - Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) Paris, France), at GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research (GHER, Liège, Belgium), at the Southampton Oceanographic Center (SOC, Southampton, UK) and at the Marine Institute (MI, Galway, Ireland). Co-founder and CEO of elittoral. Head of R&D in elittoral, he has a extensive knowledge in the marine science field to implement complex projects and different services in this field.
Francisco de Asis Vila de Miguel
He is an Oceanographer specialized in coastal processes, in hydrographic and geophysical surveys. With a degree in Physical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Master in Coastal Management from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Its first steps with the marine environment area are linked to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, based on collaborations, scholarships and internships in different departments that were combined with the education sector (Secondary and University). His next experience was in CEDEX (a public institution associated with the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of the Environment) as a researcher of the MEDVSA project in which he worked at the highest level as campaign manager for two and a half years. In 2012 he began his career in elittoral, until today. In this company, he joined and coordinated several campaigns. During these years in the elittoral, Francisco Vila has worked in 7 different countries of northwest Africa, Central America and South America, carrying out all coastal oceanographic campaigns. Throughout his professional career he has participated in several scientific publications and a large number related to coastal oceanography.
Angel Luis de Luque Söllheim
He obtained a degree in Physics in the specialty of Physics of the Earth and Cosmos in June 1999 by the Complutense University in Madrid. Ph.D. in Experimental and Technological Sciences in the Balearic Islands University in March 2008. Since September 2016 he holds the position of technical project manager in the elittoral company and associate professor in the Department of Physics in Las Palmas University since February 2016. His professional work has focused mainly on the technical project management area combined with programming tasks for projects in Meteorology, Oceanography, Remote Sensing, Environmental and Technological Analysis. It emphasizes its capacity of analysis and coordination of technical teams of work in projects. He has been an assistant professor and researcher in the Balearic Islands University for 5 years, weather forecaster for AEMET (State Meteorological Agency of Spain) for 2 years, project manager and freelance developer for 5 years in public and private institutions such as Vice-Ministry of Environment of the Canary Islands Government, research groups of Las Palmas University, a company (Solumática SA) and one year for the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN).
Javier Martín Abasolo
Electrical engineer
Since 2007, Dr. Javier has been working on different projects related to the remote sensing field. Javier received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain in 2011 and the Ph.D. degree in cybernetic and telecommunication in 2016. His research areas of interest are: Remote sensing image processing techniques (pre-processing, classification, segmentation, feature extraction, motion estimation); coastal monitoring by remote sensing images with very high resolution (Shallow water areas Analysis: bathymetry, and benthic classification) and water quality analysis using remote sensing images of medium resolution (open ocean water) and high resolution (shallow water areas); Vegetation monitoring of dune environments by using very high resolution images (MAC TELECAN); high resolution sensor modelling: photogrammetry, radiogrammetry, DEM reconstruction (INTA, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial). Currently, he is working in a Spanish national project (TSEA) using high resolution satellite images and hyperspectral images from UAV platform for coastal monitoring.
Anabella Medina Machin
Electrical engineer
Since 2007, Dra. Anabella has been working on different projects related to the remote sensing field. Anabella received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain in 2011 and the Ph.D. degree in Cybernetic and Telecommunications in 2017. Her research areas of interest are: remote sensing image processing techniques (radiometric, topographic, atmospheric and geometric corrections); data fusion methods analysis; feature extractions and segmentations techniques; advanced methodologies development for classification of vegetation species in protected areas with very high resolution satellites images; terrestrial, marine and atmospheric indicators analysis for monitoring climate change process with low-medium resolution satellites images; high resolution sensor modelling: photogrammetry, radiogrammetry, DEM reconstruction.Currently, she is working in a Spanish national project (TSEA) using high resolution images from satellite and hyperspectral images from UAV platform for coastal monitoring.
Josep Coca de Albeniz
Degree in oceanography (1996) and Phd. in Oceanography (2016). Experience mainly in satellite oceanography. Remote sensing data processing and analysis. Development and maintenance of remote sensing operational services. Automation of data processing and analysis systems. Application of remote sensing data to environmental and ecological events. Use of multisource remote sensing data, radiometers (visible and infrared) and radar (wind scatterometers, altimeters and synthetic aperture radar). He was technically responsible for the L-band satellite imagery reception station during the years 1996 to 2007, for the reception of data of the sensors AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) and SeaWiFS (Wide Field-of-view Sensor). Part of the network: NASA Ocean Color HRPT Ground Stations. This station was part of the SeaSnet network, along with four others belonging to the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le développement), all located in tropical regions-subtropical regions. Experience in transfer and training on remote sensing to developing countries. Currently, he is working in a Spanish national project (TSEA) using high resolution images from satellite and hyperspectral images from UAV platform for coastal monitoring.
Relevant publications
- Javier Martin Abasolo, Francisco Eugenio, Javier Marcello, Anabella Medina: Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resolution Worldview-2 Imagery for Retrieving Coastal Shallow Water Parameters. Remote Sensing 01/2016; 8(1).
- Zarranz M, Manent P, Luque A, Ramdani M, Robaina RR. 2016. Genetic description and remote sensing techniques as management tools for Zostera noltii seagrass populations along the Atlantic Moroccan coast. Journal of Coastal Research. Online article, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00111.1
- F. Eugenio, J. Martin, J. Marcello, E. Fraile-Nuez: Environmental monitoring of El Hierro Island submarine volcano, by combining low and high resolution satellite imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 06/2014; 29(1). DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2013.12.009
- González J., Monagas V., Remírez X., Luque A., Hernández J., Llinas O. 2015. PLOCAN. An offshore test site for ocean energy converters. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Online article, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271245
- D. Rodríguez, J. Marcello, A. Medina Machín, F. Eugenio, C. Gonzalo, Á. García. Evaluation of the performance of spatial assessments of pansharpened images. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Quebec, 07/2014.
- S. Lopez, G. Marrero, A. Medina, J. F. Lopez, R. Sarmiento. High-level FPGA-based implementation of a hyperspectral endmember extraction algorithm. 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). Shanghai, 06/2012
- A. Medina, J. Marcello, F. Eugenio, D. Rodríguez, J. Martín: Color and spatial distortions of pan-sharpening methods in real and synthetic images. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 11/2012; 8537.
- M. A. Jiménez, A. Mira, J. Cuxart, A. Luque, S. Alonso y J. A. Guijarro. 2008. Verification of a clear-sky mesoscale simulation using satellite-derived surface temperatures. Monthly Weather Review. doi: 10.1175/2008MWR2461.1 . Dec-2008. Vol: 136. Num: 12. pp: 5148- 5161
- Luque A, I. Gómez, y M. Manso. 2006. Convective Rainfall Rate multi-channel algorithm for Meteosat-7 and radar derived calibration matrices. Atmósfera. Jul-2006. Vol 19. Num 3. pp: 145 – 168