Viale C. Berti Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna, Italy
CMCC - Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Partner entity description and relevance
The Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Fondazione CMCC) is a non-profit research institution ( CMCC’s mission is to investigate and model our climate system and its interactions with society to provide reliable, rigorous, and timely scientific results, which will in turn stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop science driven adaptation and mitigation policies in a changing climate. CMCC collaborates with experienced scientists, economists, and technicians, which work together in order to provide full analyses of climate impacts on various systems such as agriculture, ecosystems, coasts, water resources, health, and economics. CMCC also supports policymakers in setting and assessing costs, mitigation, and adaptation policies.
CMCC benefits from the extensive applied research experience of its members and institutional partners: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV); Università del Salento; Centro Italiano di Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA S.c.p.a.); Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia; Università di Sassari, Università della Tuscia, Politecnico di Milano.
CMCC research activities are distributed among eight research divisions that share different knowledge and skills in the field of climate science: Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division; Climate Simulation and Prediction (CSP) Division; Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy (ECIP) Division; Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services (IAFES) Division; Ocean modeling and Data Assimilation (ODA) Division; Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) Division; Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies (RAAS) Division; Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REHMI) Division.
The “Ocean Predictions and Applications” division of CMCC (, involved in the project, deals with the development of models and methods for interdisciplinary research on marine operational forecasting, on the interactions between coastal areas and the open ocean, on the development of services and applications for all maritime economy sectors, including transport, security and management of coastal areas and marine resources, in the context of climate change adaptation problems. Furthermore, CMCC is a production and dissemination unit of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring System (CMEMS, Moreover, the OPA division performs research activities in the field of marine ecosystems and their dynamics and marine and coastal resources management tanks to the Group of researchers from University of La Tuscia which are affiliated to CMCC.
CMCC acquired portfolio of research projects includes 250 funded projects: 37 funded projects in FP6 and FP7, 37 funded projects in H2020 and 176 funded projects under other EU and international research grants. In about a half of the implemented projects, CMCC acted as the coordinator.
For further information on CMCC please see Annual Report 2016 and CMCC Strategic Plan (
Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
Project title
TESSA – Development of technologies for the “Situational Sea Awareness”
Project ID
Funded: PON - Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Competitività" 2007-2013 (UE - Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale / MIUR - Ministero Italiano dell'Università e della Ricerca / MSE - Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico).
41 Months
The general objective of “TESSA” project (industrial research project funded under the PON “Ricerca & Competitività 2007-2013” program of Ministero Italiano dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) is to improve and consolidate the products and the operational oceanography service in Southern Italy and to integrate this service with technological platforms of dissemination of information for the ‘Situational Sea Awareness’.
Sea Situational Awareness (SSA) is strategically important for management and safety purposes of Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas. The lack of adequate dissemination of marine environmental data and consequent poor knowledge available for operations at sea reduce the response capacity, leading to loss of lives and potential socio-economic damages. In the framework of the project the partners have developed new SSA services.
TESSA is a joint effort of the research groups of operational oceanography, scientific computing and software engineering, and aims to strengthen and consolidate the operational oceanography service in Southern Italy and to integrate it with available technological platforms in order to disseminate information for the SSA.
TESSA has been developed both products and services connected to the operational oceanography and to technological platforms for data dissemination and decisions support for the SSA.The activities carried out follow:
– Operational modelling with high resolution. Improvement of geo-space-temporal data for the Southern Italy Seas
– Operational oceanography centers – Improvement of geo-space-temporal data for the Southern Italy Seas
– Data Repositories – Technological platforms of “Situational Sea Awareness” – SSA
– Intelligent Decisions Support Systems for complex dynamical environments. Technological platforms of “Situational Sea Awareness” – SSA
– Tests and demonstration of services and products – technological platforms of “Situational Sea Awareness” – SSA
The main scientific results are published in Special Issue collection: -
Project title
IONian Integrated marine Observatory
Project ID
Funded: European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme "Greece-Italy" (2007 - 2013).
24 Months
The project aims at designing and implementing an “IONian Integrated marine Observatory” (IONIO) that will produce environmental information about the Southern Adriatic and Northern Ionian (SANI) Programme Area to support safer maritime traffic and the reduction of pollution hazard.
A monitoring and forecasting system for the SANI area which will allow the dissemination of high resolution environmental information to mariners in the area. Such information will be at the basis of navigator decisions on safer routes, better management of emergencies for lifesavers and for responders to pollution events. The wind, wave and current observations and forecast complement the national observing networks adding the cross-area monitoring capabilities of the IONIO components.
A database containing the observational and modelling data from 2008 (for model only) to the end of the project. Such data base will give the necessary environmental information for the sustainable development of transport systems in the Programme Area, following the directions of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, recently approved.
A Web Portal for the cataloguing, discovery and visualization of the database, both in real time and delayed mode. This will form the basis of the IONIO service for the rapid dissemination of relevant environmental information to regional stakeholders for increasing the area’s accessibility and attractiveness.
A Decision Support System for Search And Rescue which computes the trajectory of bodies at the surface and subsurface to help reduce the loss of lifes due to ship accidents.
A Decision Support System for Ship Routing and Safety which will include real time wind, wave and current data provided by the IONIO modelling system to promote safe navigation.
A Decision Support System for Pollution Harzard Mapping which contains information about the ship tracks crossing the area and the potential dispersal of pollutants from along track operational releases evaluated using the analyses from the open ocean models of the SANI area and the Gulf of Taranto. -
Project title
SysTem of rApid mapping and monitoRing of coastal and marine environmenT
Project ID
Funded: "Cluster Tecnologici Regionali" – Regione Puglia, Italy
24 Months (running)
The general objective of “START” project is to improve and consolidate the awareness and the knowledge of Apulian coastal environment integrating the observing systems with the operational and forecasting numerical modelling. The services will be integrated with technological platforms of dissemination of information for the ‘Coastal Situational Awareness’.
The activities will develop services providing:
– early warning and rapid mapping of extreme events (e.g. storm surge) in Apulia coastal areas
– coastal erosion and flooding indicators
– support an integrated management of harbor areas
Two decision support systems will be produced, one for coastal areas (DSS-coasts) and another for the main regional ports (DSS-ports).The products of the DSS-ports are:
– Meteo-ocean forecasting;
– Assessment of erosion phenomena;
– Waves and wind regimes;
– Probability of extreme events;
– Dynamics of sediment transport;
– Estimation of future scenarios of coastline;
– Production of vulnerability maps related to inundation and erosion risks;
– Proposition of reference scenario to be adopted for coastal planning in relationship with Climate Change;
– Offer of criteria of ICZM.The products of the DSS-ports are:
– meteo-ocean forecasting;
– assessment of water exchange and sediment accumulation;
– services for navigation safety;
– early warning system for extreme events;
– estimation of downtimes intervals;
– evaluation of level of flooding and inundation of pears;
– assessment of the level of vulnerability of the ports to the risk of sediment accumulation;
– support to the planning of ports infrastructure. -
Project title
Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety
Project ID
Funded: the European Regional Development Funds (ref: 4175/2S-MED11-01)
36 Months
MEDESS-4MS was dedicated to the maritime risks prevention and strengthening of maritime safety related to oil spill pollution in the Mediterranean. MEDESS-4MS delivered an integrated operational multi model oil spill prediction service in the Mediterranean, connected to existing monitoring platforms (CSN, AIS), using the well established oil spill modeling systems, the data from the Marine Core Services and the national ocean forecasting systems.
MEDESS-4MS set up an integrated real time operational oil spill forecasting service for the Mediterranean for national response agencies, REMPEC and EMSA.
The multi-model oil spill forecasting system is composed of environmental information from the GMES Marine Service and the national ocean forecasting systems interfaced with oil slick data from existing monitoring platforms from EMSA CSN, as well with AIS data. It used the real time information about position of the oil slick, interface it with oil spill models capable to forecast the movement of the pollution providing tailored products to oil spill crisis management users, contributing substantially to maritime risks prevention and maritime safety.The activities carried out follow:
– To implement an integrated real time multi-model oil spill forecasting system
– To implement an interconnected network of data repositories that will archive and provide in operational way access to all available environmental and oil spill data;
– To test the service functionalities with key end-users: REMPEC, EMSA, and national agencies responsible for combating oil spills
– To develop the integrated system with a unique access web portal with different services and user profiles, multi-model data access and interactive capabilities.The main scientific results are published in the Special Issue of Deep-Sea Res. II (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.08.003.
Project title
pAssengeRs and loGistics information Exchange System
Project ID
Funded: ETCP “Greece-Italy”
27 Months
The expected results of ARGES comply with the strategic character of the project and with the results indicated in the call, and regard:
· The application of the Directive 2010/65/EC coherently with the strategies of the national and regional development programmes in the fields of transport and ICT;
· An enhancement of the cooperation among all the Port Authorities involved, for the management of the trades and of the passengers and freight flows, and among them and the partner Institutions (BAT province and Region Epirus) as regards the control and the supply of information regarding the traffic peaks, the free parking areas for haulers and the local touristic activities;
· Obtain and manage a great amount of useful information for the planning of the territorial development in the fields of transport and tourism;
· Guarantee the sustainability of the management and of the real time interchange of the data both on a territorial and on a transnational level, also after the completion of the project;
· Guarantee a continuous cooperation, even after the end of the project, among the involved partners;
· Guarantee the possibility of a direct use by the national authorities of the unique interface system created and the connection with the port hub systems;
· The users of the created services will be, apart from the travelers, institutions at a national and local level as Customs, Police, Fire Brigade, tourism authorities, provinces and regions as well as all the port operators (maritime agencies and shipowners);
· Supply various type of services to the population that range from weather forecasts, to security, to the traffic management, to the monitoring of the unexpected events, to tourism;
· Use and disseminate scientific innovation and research that are guaranteed by the partners scientific institutions through the support to decisions and to planning.
The main activities are:
· Implementation of directive 2010/65/EC – Pilot model of a unique national maritime single windows NMSW/PMIS for the interface with the national (Greek and Italian) Coast Guard;
· Development and enhancement of the PCS and implementation of the services for passengers – Enhancement of the GAIA PCS in the Port of Bari and creation of PCSs and TAPINs in the ports of Igoumenitsa, Corfù and Patras;
· Monitoring of the road networks connected with the ports – Creation of a system aiming to evaluate the conditions of the traffic for the ports partners. There will be carried out a field-testing of the system monitoring the movement of the vehicles;
· Personalized marine weather forecasts for the ports – Creation of a system that will make available – to the Coast Guard and to the Port Authorities of Bari, Igoumenitsa, Corfù, and Patras – the marine weather forecasts to support the merchant and passenger traffic.
Infrastructure and equipment
CMCC operates its own Supercomputing Center – SCC (located in the “Ecotekne” Campus of the University of Salento, Lecce) whose HPC facilities have been ranked, since 2008 until 2014, in the 500 most powerful supercomputing systems in the world (Top500) and among the most powerful computational facilities in Italy.
Currently, Athena, is the most powerful supercomputer operating at CMCC SCC (about 8000 Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge cores , 160 TFlops peak performance). Thanks to Athena, the CMCC HPC infrastructure is one of the most powerful computational facility in Italy. Athena is integrated with two DDN SFA10000 storage subsystems capable to offer a storage capacity of about 840TB in total and an I/O performance of 6GBytes/sec per disk array.
Key Personnel
Dr. Giovanni COPPINI
Director of the Ocean Predictions and Applications Division of CMCC
Since May 2015, he is the CMEMS Med-MFC Leader and Deputy Leader of the CMEMS Black-Sea MFC. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. From 2003 to 2012, he has worked at INGV in the operational oceanography division where he was responsible for environmental applications. He has several papers in peer reviewed Journals on operational oceanographic system development and applications. He co-chairs MONGOOS (Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System) and he is the Emergency Response Office manager the MONGOOS-REMPEC agreement. He is a member of the JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety and Security (ETMSS-4). He has represented INGV and now CMCC in the European Topic Centre - Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC-ICM) project of the European Environment Agency and in MyOcean/CMEMS as person responsible for the liaisons among EEA and MyOcean/CMEMS for the development of climate and environmental indicators and the contribution of MyOcean/CMEMS to EEA reports.
Prof. Marco MARCELLI
Responsible of Laboratory of Oceanology and Marine Ecology of Tuscia University
Professor of Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology and Applied Marine Ecology in the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) of Tuscia University.Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Oceanology and Marine Ecology of Civitavecchia. Associate researcher at CMCC. Coordinator of several applied research projects concerning marine ecosystem analysis and assessment with also focus on marine habitats restoration and conservation. The research activity is centered on the study of marine and coastal pelagic ecosystems, physical and dynamic phenomena and ecological processes of marine environments, and on the primary production of pelagic ecosystems and their interactions with the dynamic phenomena.
Dr. Ivan Federico
Junior Scientist
Dr. Ivan Federico is Junior Scientist at “Ocean Predictions and Applications” division of CMCC. He holds a M.Sc. Degree in Civil Hydraulics Engineering at the University of Calabria, obtained in 2007 and a Ph.D. in Hydraulics Engineering for the Environment and Territory, obtained in 2011, focused on Computational Fluid Dynamics topics. He contributed to the development of a Lagrangian particle model based on SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) approach, with special interest in treatment of open boundary conditions. He held lectures of Coastal Engineering in post-graduate course of operational oceanography and informatics for maritime safety. Since 2012 he has been employed at CMCC, where in the framework of TESSA (Development of Technology for the “Situational Sea Awareness”) and IONIO (IONian Integrated marine Observatory) projects, he has led the implementation of very high resolution coastal operational forecasting system for the Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian area ( in Mediterranean Sea. Currently, he is scientific responsible for CMCC of START project focused on rapid mapping and monitoring system of marine and coastal environment for Apulia region in Southern of Italy. He is author of several publications in numerical modelling and coastal oceanography, and editor for journal in geoscience field. The current research activity is focused on (i) coastal oceanography processes, (ii) downscaling approaches from open ocean to shelf to coastal scales and (iii) finite-element unstructured-grid models.
Associate Scientist
Dr. Svitlana Liubartseva is an Associate Scientist at “Ocean Predictions and Applications” division of CMCC. She got a B.Sc. in Physics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) in 1984, and obtained a Ph.D. in Geophysics at Marine Hydrophysical Institute (Ukraine) in 1996. She has been working on marine admixture modelling, namely pollution, and C-N-P-O2-S-Fe-Mn cycles at sea. Since her work for CMCC 2012, she has focused on the modeling the oil spills and development of oil spill model MEDSLIK-II. Recently, she has developed the hazard mapping methodology regarding the operational oil spills; and run an application to plastic debris modeling.
Relevant publications
1. Federico, I., Pinardi, N., Coppini, G., Oddo, P., Lecci, R., and Mossa, M.: Coastal ocean forecasting with an unstructured-grid model in the Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian Sea, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 45-59, doi:10.5194/nhess-17-45-2017, 2017.
2. Gaeta, M. G., Samaras, A. G., Federico, I., Archetti, R., Maicu, F., and Lorenzetti, G.: A coupled wave-3-D hydrodynamics model of the Taranto Sea (Italy): a multiple-nesting approach, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2071–2083, doi:10.5194/nhess-16- 2071-2016, 2016.
3. Liubartseva, S., De Dominicis, M., Oddo, P., Coppini, G., Pinardi, N. and Greggio, N.: Oil spill hazard from dispersal of oil along shipping lanes in the Southern Adriatic and Northern Ionian Seas, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 90, 259–272, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.10.039, 2015.
4. Liubartseva, S., Coppini, G., Pinardi, N., De Dominicis, M., Lecci, R., Turrisi, G., Cretì, S., Martinelli, S., Agostini, P., Marra, P., and Palermo, F. Decision support system for emergency management of oil spill accidents in the Mediterranean Sea, Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2009–2020, doi:10.5194/nhess-16-2009-2016, 2016.
5. WITOIL: decision support system for oil spill emergency management, Service provider: CMCC, 2015.