Nowogrodzka 31, 00-511 Warsaw, Poland
CloudFerro sp. z o.o.
Partner entity description and relevance
CloudFerro sp. z o.o. is a Polish Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider. Its team includes a group of experienced IT and telecommunications managers and engineers. CloudFerro team began to provide cloud services in 2012 under the 24admins logo. In 2015 this growing activity was transformed into dedicated company (CloudFerro Sp z o.o.) and its initial team was joined by experienced business developers and managers.
CloudFerro provides public and private cloud and dedicated server services for businesses, public institutions and other IT operators. CloudFerro services are based on a consistent model of cloud and servers that utilizes OpenStack – an open source cloud and virtualization platform. CloudFerro products include:
- Public and private clouds based on the OpenStack framework
- The specialized public cloud for Earth Observation data processing – EO Cloud
- The specialized public cloud for EO data processing under preparation – EO DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System)
- Dedicated bare metal servers
- Cloud services include:
- Virtual machines (VMs)
- Block data storage – storage volumes
- Object data storage
- Virtual networks connecting VMs, bare metal servers and private clouds.
- Additional virtual appliance services like firewalls, load-balancers, antiDDoS protection etc.
CloudFerro services are based on an extensive owned server infrastructure placed in several data centres in Poland and UK.
CloudFerro develops rapidly during last three years specialising in solutions for high tech space and meteorology institutions. It currently employs around 30 people – more than a half of them highly skilled IT engineers, administrators and developers.
Our team provides 24/24 systems operation, monitoring and administration as well as expert advice and recommendations on cloud configuration, OpenStack functionality, data processing, automation and other cloud and EO-data processing related issues.
Our strong points include:
- Solution based on OpenStack – the leading open source software for cloud building
- Rich functionality available over standard API-s and Web Portal
- Seamless integration of the on-premises and remote cloud
- Fully separated virtual environments for production, tests, development and other purposes
- Flexibility in terms of integration and functionality (open source), on-premises and remote cloud scaling, configuration of environments
- Proven solution operational in a similar field of applications (EO IPT Cloud for ESA)
- Experienced team both in terms of IaaS services, OpenStack and Sentinel EO data processing
- CloudFerro in essence is a cloud service provider not a systems integrator
- Highly optimized hardware setup, including fast connectivity, efficient storage including fast SSD-based tier, performant solutions for high-IO data processing typical of EO data (see dedicated server VM-s)
- Direct access to the Sentinel repository in EO Cloud
CloudFerro is in a process if ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification – it should be certified by the end of April 2018.
It is a strategic goal of CloudFerro to become one of the largest Polish cloud companies specializing in cloud and dedicated server market technology and one of the biggest OpenStack operators in the region.
Expertise from previous and ongoing projects
Project title
Earth Observation Innovative Platform Testbed Poland (EO IPT)
EO Cloud
EO Cloud (http://eocloud.cloudferro.com) is the realization of the Earth Observation Innovative Platform Testbed Poland (EO IPT) of European Space Agency. EO Cloud platform is a testbed and a practical realization of the bringing processing to the data paradigm in the realm of EO processing.
EO Cloud consists of EO Data big data storage for Copernicus missions and of cloud processing infrastructure. It is a storage, computing and PaaS solution for Earth Observation data community. Processing part of EO Cloud is based on an open source OpenStack solution with its rich capabilities and well documented API.
It is also the only fully operational EO processing cloud solution in Europe. Currently it covers around 8 PByte of big data EO storage with some 5 PByte of data already available. EO Data repository covers full Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data together with full ESA/Landsat and Envisat/Meris data and selected data from Sentinel-1.
EO Cloud processing consists of around 2000 vCores with 10 TByte of RAM and some 500 TByte of local storage. The EO Data discovery, indexing and finder solution is also an element of the platform. The Finder tool allows finding data products from selected satellites, obtained or processed at selected times with selected cloud coverage levels and with other selection criteria. The Finder solution enables either to obtain a file path to the data product in question or to download the products by registered users. The finder can be also accessed via a well-documented API. Moreover, the platform provides some components of the data and application marketplace. Data marketplace is integrated into the Finder solution. Data can be published, priced and sold according to several billing schemes. A prototype software application selling point is also available. EO Cloud makes a ready to use framework for Thematic and Regional Exploitation Platforms.
Project title
Regional Exploitation Platform for Southern and Eastern Europe
EO4SEE Pathinder
CloudFerro also delivers cloud processing and EO Data storage to EO4SEE Pathfinder. The services provided there also base on EO Cloud products and solutions. The EO4SEE project is currently under realization.
Project title
EO Cloud
EO Cloud is also a platform for several other projects like:
- S2 and other satellite data graphical browser (similar to but broader than Google Earth) – by Sinergise. S3 browser by OceanDataLab
- Another graphical EO data browser by Mundialis
- CAB-Lab, a data cube solution by Brockmann Consult
- Several TEP or REP solutions that are present on the platform
- OneData distributed storage solution by Cyfronet
- SlipStream cloud provisioning solution by SixSq/RheaGroup
Project title
Climate Data Store (CDS) Hybrid Cloud for ECMWF.
CloudFerro provides a hybrid cloud solution for European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast. It consists of on-premises private cloud placed in Reading, UK and of off-loading solution to CloudFerro run public cloud. The on-premises private cloud is fully managed and delivered as a service by CloudFerro. It is based on OpenStack technology. It currently consists of around 3000 vCores and 6 TB RAM of processing and around 1 PB of storage resources.
Project title
CloudFerro is a cloud computing provider and an operator in one of the consortia that were selected to provide DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System) solution for Copernicus data. EO DIAS solution is under preparation now. It will provide a comprehensive data and processing platform for Copernicus data users from around whole Europe. It will keep all Sentinel-1, Sentinel 2, Sentinel-3, ESA/Landsat and other mission data available immediately online for its users. The EO data repository will eventually reach up to 30 PB of online storage. The initial processing resources will cover more than 2 500 vCores and 12,5 TB of RAM with possible quick scalability. The EO DIAS platform will become operational at the middle of 2018.
Infrastructure and equipment
CloudFerro computing cloud infrastructure consists of around 5 000 vCores (virtual CPUs) together with 15 TBytes of RAM. Cloud storage covers more than 1500 TByte of HDD and SSD storage pools. The Big data EO Data storage has around 8 PByte capacity and there are some 5,3 PByte EO satellite data already available (see http://www.cloudferro.com/en/eostats/ for current statistics).
CloudFerro infrastructure is placed in two Tier III data centers in Warsaw, Poland and in one in UK. The data centers are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified. Warsaw data centers are connected via redundant dark fibers with Nx 10G transmission capacity. The data centers are connected to the internet via physically and logically independent uplinks to Tier I and Tier II operators. The uplinks are additionally protected against DDoS attacks. CloudFerro provides 24/7 support for its services.
Key Personnel
Stanisław Dałek
ICT systems design and big data expert
Stanisław Dałek, 47 years old, is an ICT systems design and big data expert. He holds a degree in Computer Science of Warsaw University as well as MBA of Institut Superieur de Gestion. He is a CTO of CloudFerro and covers system design, project management of several key projects and technical R&D in the company. He designed and managed the implementation of EO Cloud (see below). Before CloudFerro he designed, implemented and managed an IaaS platform for one of the Polish leading telecom operators. He was also a co-founder of one of the leading ICT integrator in the area of big data and solutions for big sales networks.
Piotr Misiak
Cloud computing designer and implementer
Piotr Misiak, 31 years old, is a cloud computing designer and implementer. He has several years of experience in designing, implementing and managing of OpenStack clouds. He holds a degree in computer science from Military University of Technology in Warsaw. He is now a Senior Cloud Engineer in CloudFerro. He took part in the design and implementation of EO Cloud. Currently he develops new cloud projects related to big data and Software Defined Networking. In his previous employments he worked for internationals like Mirantis (a leading OpenStack company) and for Polish portals where he managed up to 2000 servers.
Marcin Gil
Project manager and support specialist
Marcin Gil, is an experienced project manager and support specialist with programming experience. He holds a degree in computer science (robotics) from Warsaw University of Technology. In CloudFerro he is responsible for customer support and management of selected projects. In the past he, among others, managed projects like: swarm of robots. He is a certified PRINCE2 project manager. He is programming in Python.
Marcin Olszewski
Researcher and software developer
Marcin Olszewski, 28 years old is a researcher and software developer. He holds a degree in high energy physics and in mathematics and computer modelling from Warsaw University and currently is also a graduate student in particle physics there. In CF he researches and develops selected projects related to computing cloud, big data and search solutions. He programs in Python. He modelled stock exchange processes for an American hedge fund. He was developing software solutions for CERN LHC experiments.
Maciej Krzyżanowski
CEO of CloudFerro
Maciej Krzyżanowski 50 years old. He holds PhD in High Energy physics. He is a CEO of CloudFerro. He is responsible for: investment budget and company cashflow as well as product management and management of key CF projects. In his previous employment he was a CEO and COO of a biggest Polish data center operator (around 10 000 m2 of collocation space). He introduced there and successfully developed an IaaS product line.