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Impressive Project


Blue Economy meeting – ESA Atlantic Regional Initiative (Nereus Presentation) Organised on 16th of March

In the scope of the Blue Economy project (ATIN – BLUECO), the ESA Atlantic Regional Initiative prepared a Preliminary Design Review meeting on March 16th, 2021. The scope of the meeting was to present the work being done so far, both technically and also in the scope of the innovation clusters activity. On this occasion, Ms Margarita Chrysaki (Communication/project officer) represented the Network and gave a presentation about IMPRESSIVE, the marine initiative for tackling pollution in EU ports.

You can download: a) the agenda (link), the presentation (link), and watch the video below:

Background information: The Atlantic Regional Initiative Topic 3: Cities and Ports (ARIA3) proposes integrated smart solutions for Atlantic cities, ports and the ocean. It targets services on 3 sub-topics such as 1) climate resilience, support authorities to take appropriate actions to prevent or mitigate coastal disasters; 2) support to sustainability for Atlantic cities and ports and 3) protecting the Ocean, ensuring the good environmental status and litter‐free ocean. Two consortia partners are closely linked with the NEREUS‐network: The AIR‐Centre is an important stakeholder of the NEREUS‐member region the Azores and PLANETEK Italia is a leading company in the NEREUS‐member region Apulia.
The Maritime domain is one of the key areas of the network cooperation and 18 out of 23 member regions are coastal regions or islands. Three-member regions of the network are based at the Atlantic (Brittany, Nouvelle Aquitaine and Azores) but several regions work also on related topics and harbour management (e.g. Bremen, Apulia etc.)