Oil spill and waste evolution software
Ana M. Mancho from ICMAT (CSIC) has published a result on the Horizon Results Platform of IMPRESSIVE Project. CSIC has developed a software able to predict the evolution
Oil spill risk assessment for a Single Buoy Mooring terminal in the Port of Taranto (Southern Italy)
Being situated in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean lagoon, the Port of Taranto represents a transport, industrial and commercial hub, where the port infrastructure, a notorious steel
High resolution hydrodynamic model of Rafina Port
Ana M. Mancho from ICMAT has updated a result on the Horizon Results Platform. A very high resolution hydyrodynamic model (up to 20 meters resolution) for Rafina port
Blue Economy meeting – ESA Atlantic Regional Initiative (Nereus Presentation) Organised on 16th of March
In the scope of the Blue Economy project (ATIN – BLUECO), the ESA Atlantic Regional Initiative prepared a Preliminary Design Review meeting on March 16th,